Our locations

Global presence in strategically important locations

As a technology-oriented, globally active family company, Zentis successfully meets the needs of customers and consumers, both nationally and internationally. With six production locations in Germany, Poland, Hungary and the USA and over 2000 employees, Zentis is now active in over 50 countries. 


North America

The headquarters of Zentis North America are located in Philadelphia, PA. With factories in Philadelphia and Plymouth, both in close proximity to our most important customers, Zentis is optimally strategically positioned on the US market.  



Feel free to contact us at our US locations at: 


Zentis North America LLC 
1741 Tomlinson Road
Philadelphia, PA 19116


Thomas Vieten, Managing Director


Tel +1-267-623-8000

Fax  +1-267-315-7603

E-mail  info-usa@zentis.com

Website  www.zentis-usa.com


Zentis North America LLC 
2050 North Oak Drive 
Plymouth, IN 46563 


Thomas Vieten, Managing Director 


Tel  +1 574 941-1100

E-mail  info-usa@zentis.com

Website www.zentis-usa.com



Zentis has been headquartered on Jülicher Straße in Aachen ever since 1917. Here, Zentis has grown steadily into an international trendsetter in natural and enjoyable nutrition. Our preparations for the processing industry and sweet spreads are still manufactured here today. A second Zentis factory was opened in Eilendorf, Aachen, in 1995. This specializes in the manufacture of confectionery and is also the headquarters of Zentis Logistik Service GmbH. 


Feel free to contact us at our German locations at: 

Zentis Fruchtwelt GmbH & Co. KG 


Factory I – Management: 

Hamed Hesami, Nico Stobinski

Personally liable partner: 

Zentis-Beteiligungs-Ges. mbH, headquartered in Aachen, commercial register Aachen 963 


Address - Factory I 
Jülicher Straße 177 
52070 Aachen 



Tel  +49-241-476-00 

Fax +49-241-4760-369 

E-Mail  info@zentis.de 


Zentis GmbH & Co. KG 


Factory I – Management: 

Nico Stobinski

Personally liable partner: 

Zentis-Beteiligungs-Ges. mbH, headquartered in Aachen, commercial register Aachen 963 


Address - Factory I 
Jülicher Straße 177 
52070 Aachen 



Tel  +49-241-476-00 

Fax +49-241-4760-369 

E-Mail  info@zentis.de 


Zentis Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG 


Factory II – Authorized representative managing directors: 

Claus Ernst, Bardya Mohammadi 

Personally liable partner: 

Zentis Süßwaren Verwaltungs-GmbH 


Address – Factory II 

Debyestraße 111 
52078 Aachen 


Tel  +49-241-476-00 

Fax  +49-241-4760-369 

E-Mail  info@zentis.de




Zentis Logistik Service GmbH 


Authorized representative managing directors: 
Nico Stobinski, Dirk Bloch

Personally liable partner: 

Zentis Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit 
beschränkter Haftung, Aachen 


Address – Logistics 

Jülicher Straße 177 
52070 Aachen 


Tel. +49-241-4760-0
Fax. +49-241-4760-756

E-Mail: info@zentis-logistik.de






Zentis Polska was founded in 1995 and is now the largest producer of fruit preparations for the dairy and baked goods industry in Central and Eastern Europe. 



Feel free to contact us at our Polish location at: 

Zentis Polska Sp. z o. o. 



Ireneusz Lichota 


Company information 

Limited liability company 

Share capital: 44 178 000 PLN UID: 5211016012 
Warsaw District Court, XIV Economic Department, KRS no. 101519 

Ul. Przemysłowa 8, Żelków Kolonia 
08-110 Siedlce 


Tel. +48-25-6402-100

Fax. +48-25-6409-100

E-Mail: zentis@zentis.pl


Website: www.zentis.pl

Online shop: www.zentis24.pl






The Zentis Hungária production site was opened in 2000. Specialized in fruit preparations and bakery fillings, this location is continuously being expanded. 



Feel free to contact us at our Hungarian location at:

Zentis Hungária Bt. 

Zoltán Kecső 


Company information 

Tax ID no.: 22564379-2-12 
Commercial register no.: cg. 12-06-005505 



2646 Drégelypalánk 
Fő út 178 


Tel.  +36-35-567-560 

Fax. +36-35-567-234 

E-Mail:  zentishu@zentis.hu 


Website: www.zentis.hu 




Zentis Russia was founded in 2002. The company distributes fruit, vegetable and cereal preparations for dairies, bakeries and other companies in Russia and the CIS. 



Feel free to contact us at our Russian location at: 

OOO Zentis Russia 



Johannes Peter Schönhuber, General Director 


Company information 

Limited liability company 


Ramenskij Rayon, Siedlung Ramenskoj Agrohimstanzii (RAOS), 15 
140126 Moscow region 


Tel.  +7-495-935-7300 

Fax . +7-495-935-7337 

E-Mail : zentis@zentis.ru 

